Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cartersville, GA

From Valdosta, we traveled to Cartersville, GA to spend time with our cousins there.  It was wonderful to have time to relax with them and catch up on everything that’s been happening.

While we were there, Thelma took us to dinner at a restaurant named Doug’s in Emerson, Ga. where I was able to get the fried chicken I had been craving since crossing the Georgia line. The walls at Doug’s were lined with old photos and Thelma said that when she had been there a while ago, she had seen an old school photo which included my Uncle Homer.  After dinner, we went in search of the photo and easily found it on a lower level.  The photo was from the 1920’s when Uncle Homer was a teacher at the school.   While we were looking at that photo, I noticed a similar photo in the corner.  When I looked at it, I was surprised to see my Aunt Mary who had also been a teacher at the school! It was a great evening.

We also went to dinner in Euharlee with Gail and Thelma.  We had wonderful BBQ there and then took a stroll to a nearby covered bridge for a photo op.  It was a beautiful cool evening and the walk to the bridge gave us a chance to walk off some of our dinner.

Gail, Thelma & Barb

After dinner, we went to visit Gail’s daughter, Tamara.  We couldn’t wait to see her and her new daughter, Carder.  Carder is a beautiful little girl that stole our hearts!  Getting to meet and hold her was definitely one of highlights of our visit!  We just wish we had more time to spend with them!

Tamara & Carder

Barb, Tamara & Carder

Beautiful Carder

Monday morning was time to load back up and hit the road for Davenport, IA.  We stopped for the night in Bloomington, Il. after covering 652 miles.  Tuesday we arrived in Davenport just before noon.

Friday, August 26, 2011

ON THE ROAD AGAIN!! First Stop Valdosta, GA

Yes we're finally back on the road, this time starting with a visit to see Vicki in Valdosta, GA.  Thanks to the threat of Irene, we decided to leave a day early and begin our trip on August 24.  Since this gave us an extra day with Vicki, we weren't upset in the least.  Our only concern was leaving Suzanne to contend with the potential of having to deal with the hurricane alone.  Thank goodness, Irene passed us by!

We've had a wonderful time being with Vicki and getting to learn more about Valdosta.  On Thursday, while Vicki was working, we took the bike out and rode to Tifton Harley Davidson which was 100 mile round trip ride.  It was a beautiful ride through small towns & cotton fields.

Today, Vicki had a day off so we went out to Grand Bay Wildlife Management Area which is the second largest natural blackwater wetland in the Coastal Plain of Georgia.

On the boardwalk with cypress in the background

Barb on Kinderlou Fire Tower

We made it to the top and Vicki & Barb take a rest

Tomorrow we will be sad to say goodbye to Vicki but also excited to head on to Cartersville to visit our newest cousin,  Carder Brock.