Monday, July 5, 2010

The journey begins - backing out of the drive

June 14, 2010

Leaving South Florida on our way to Gloucester, VA for Trevor's Graduation


  1. Starting a pool here...who will pick the correct day of their return to FL?? I say 10/2/10...that's a nice round number! Go B&T! Have great adventures -- you're off to a super start!

  2. Just remember to keep all these batteries charged, the gas tanks filled, and the tires inflated. Oh yeah, don't forget our email addresses, knowing we sit with bated breath waiting more details of the trip!!!!!! Gosh, I almost forgot ----keep wearing the helmets!!!!! July 5, 2010 - after afternoon naps!

  3. OK.. You left June 14. Glad to see you started the blog. What else is happening?

  4. Don't forget the cheese, vino and buck knife with a hint of oil - and remember to bring the pepto just in case a buddy needs it! Wishing you great adventures ahead - Wish I was going with you! Diane

  5. Have a great adventure, what a wonderful way to start a new way of life! Looking forward to all your posts!

  6. I never thought the kids were supposed to experience "empty nest syndrome"! You guys are planning on coming back someday...right??

    Love you guys!!

  7. Good luck on your adventures. We will be watching for updates.

  8. Anxiously awaiting picture of the trailer!! Must have the whole visual of your "voyage"!!

  9. Let us know when you hit the vineyards..........maybe we'll join you! Safe travels, keep an eye out for the road freaks, and post some pics of that "transformer" (as I heard it is called).
    Hugs from the Hess Houses
